Thai massage for children – with essentail oils

We encourage you to visit the salons of the Thai Spa, along with your children, as we also prepared a relaxing massage with essential oils for them.

Thai massage for children allows to de-stress and relax the young organism, who is also at risk of situations aggravating the psyche.

The massage helps to maintain an appropriate level of concentration and unburdens the psyche, especially in periods of exams, and also helps in maintaining high physical fitness, necessary when practising sports.

Thai massage with essential oils is intended for teenagers as well as for the youngest children.

Price list
Duration 60 min. 90 min. 120 min.
Price in PLN 170 220 270
Buy now in our shop!

Thai massage for children – with essentail oils in practice

In the Thai Spa salon, when performing Thai massage for children, we use traditional massage technique and essential oil massage, while optimally adjusting its insensitivity to the age of the massaged child.

Thai massage for children helps to:

  • de-stress a young child’s body,
  • relax child’s muscles,
  • maintain proper concentration levels,
  • enhance flexibility and physical fitness of the organism.


You can not decide which massage to choose from? Check one of our other treatments.