Thai slimming massage

If you strive to maintain a good physical condition while maintaining optimal body weight, we encourage you to visit the Thai Spa in Warsaw. We will offer you one of massages performed by us – Thai slimming massage, which combines several techniques known in Thai massage.

It effectively accelerates the metabolism and deeply cleanses the body of toxins, and at the same time intensely burns fat.

Properly performed, the technique breaks down subcutaneous fat and then removes it from the body. It also stimulates the muscles to intense activity, which burns extra calories. Thai slimming massage is recommended to those, who are physically active, practice sport and who want to effectively get rid of fat from the subcutaneous tissue. We also recommend it to people who do not exercise, but who want to improve the look of their body.

Price list
Duration 60 min. 90 min. 120 min.
Price in PLN 200 270 340
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Thai slimming massage in practice

In Warsaw Thai Spa salons, slimming massage is performed in a special bed, using disposable underwear. Masseuse takes care of different parts of the body separately, first by applying warming cream on the skin, then she begins the proper massage, the purpose of which is to suitably congest the massaged body.

Dear Clients, for people with „spider veins” on the skin we have prepared another type of cream.

Thai slimming massage helps to:

  • accelerate the metabolism,
  • effectively break down fatty tissue, and then remove it from the body,
  • remove excess of water and lymph from the body,
  • cleanse the body of defaulting toxins,
  • firm the body,
  • visibly rejuvenate the skin.


Watch how our massage looks like

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